
5G is coming: what can we expect?

This year the telecoms industry will begin the transition to new fifth-generation mobile networks – known as 5G – which is expected to one day help run everything from self-driving cars to robot surgeons. The successor to the current 4G network technology introduced commercially in 2009 promises nearly instantaneous transfers of huge amounts of data […]

Borrowers pay over the odds for mortgage insurance

Borrowers availing of the Government’s Rebuilding Ireland Home Loan (RIHL) are paying over the odds for mortgage protection insurance, making the loans far more expensive than originally thought. One borrower, who didn’t wish to be named, said the high premium was making the loan – designed to help lower-­paid workers – unaffordable for him and […]

Brexit bill protects current VAT system for importers

The most significant new element in the Brexit Omnibus Bill published by the Government this morning is a change to VAT law which will allow companies importing from the UK to continue to pay VAT in the same way they do now. This change will be of considerable benefit to the many Small and Medium […]

Pillar banks battle to keep current as online rivals play their cards

AIB has backed brave, while Bank of Ireland has sought to tug on the heartstrings of families. Permanent TSB has urged its customers to “keep going” and KBC is battling to ensure that everyone knows how easy it is to join them. Banks have forever invested in ad campaigns. You can almost track the economic […]

Money can buy happiness – but only if you earn optimal amount

Having more money does not make you happier, according to figures released earlier this month from the UK’s Office for National Statistics (ONS). They show people there have become more anxious in recent years and have not become happier – despite seeing big jumps in disposable income and wealth. “Despite high levels of employment, rising […]

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