
Check stamp of approval when investing or borrowing money

Dealing with an unregulated firm or product could leave you with nowhere to turn to if things go wrong. Most of us expect to have somewhere to turn for redress if things go wrong with a loan or investment. This isn’t always the case though. When you borrow money or invest in something, you usually […]

PayPal offers Irish customers new way to share bills or fundraise together

PayPal Holdings, the global online payments company, is extending Money Pools – its online community savings product – to Irish consumers. Money Pools allows users to set a group fundraising goal and then share that goal with a group. “We created Money Pools because we felt that there was a need for this type of […]

Some insurance products ‘may no longer be available to Irish consumers in no-deal Brexit’ – Central Bank

Some insurance products may no longer be available to Irish consumers if there is a no-deal Brexit, the Central Bank has warned. Deputy Governor Ed Sibley said this morning that the supply of “niche” products may reduce or end altogether. That’s because policies underwritten from the UK or Gibraltar will face more regulatory friction after […]

Employers shy away from people who have had short-term jobs

Two thirds of employers have opted not to interview someone who has had short-term jobs in the past. This is according to research from global job site Indeed. In seeking to define “job hopping”, on average employers consider six months to be a short-tenure to spend in a job, and employees consider 11 months a […]

Capital projects affected by rising costs and labour shortages

Minister for Finance Paschal Donohoe has signalled possible changes to the start dates of major capital projects because of rising costs and labour shortages. At the Budget Oversight Committee, he said a much faster than expected rise in the number of large scale capital projects by the private sector was causing, leading to competition for […]

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