
EU triggers plans for no-deal Brexit as Varadkar insists fall-out will not affect budget

EU triggers plan to protect EU citizens in the event of a no-deal Brexit Plans cover 14 areas most likely to be affected, ranging from financial services to aviation, customs and carbon emissions trading Irish Government prepares to publish its own no-deal contingency plans Varadkar insists Brexit won’t affect budget plans The European Commission has […]

Number of family home repossessions fall

The number of family homes being repossessed has fallen, with the improving economy helping to cut the number of mortgages in arrears. New Central Bank figures show 191 homes were repossessed in July to September, down from 292 in April to June. The vast bulk of the repossessions are carried out by banks, the figures […]

Retailers blame ‘alarmist’ Met Éireann weather warnings for drop in footfall

Retailers have blamed “alarmist” Met Eireann weather warnings for deterring people from hitting the high streets to do their Christmas shopping. Industry representative group Retail Excellence Ireland (REI) said trading over the Christmas period had been challenging. “It very much looks like the Irish Retail Industry will trade on par with Christmas 2017, at best,” […]

Former Anglo Irish Bank bondholders to be paid €267m by liquidators

A group of Anglo Irish Bank bondholders are set to be paid all of the €267m they are seeking from liquidators of the bust bank, despite the State only getting a fraction of the €30bn it invested as a rescue attempt. The remains of Anglo are in the Irish Bank Resolution Corporation (IBRC), where liquidators […]

Incomes are up, but 100,000 in jobs still at risk of poverty

Household incomes have gone up, but large numbers of people are still in poverty. The typical Irish household had an income of €20,800 last year, a rise of €500 on the previous year. However, thousands of people continue to struggle with poverty, despite many of them having jobs, with the number of ‘working poor’ higher […]

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