
Contactless payments grow steadily; BPFI

Consumers made almost 1.5 million contactless payments a day between July and end-September, according to figures from the Banking & Payments Federation. Contactless payments are those where consumers ‘tap’ their cards or devices and make payment without inputting a code on the payment device. The number of such payments grew by 44% year on year […]

Economic growth stretching services – Ibec

The employers’ group Ibec has warned that bottlenecks in transport, housing and childcare are making it more difficult for companies to hire and retain workers. In its latest Quarterly Economic Outlook, Ibec says it expects the economy to grow at a more moderate pace in the coming years. The employers’ group expects the economy to […]

Economic growth stretching services – Ibec

The employers’ group Ibec has warned that bottlenecks in transport, housing and childcare are making it more difficult for companies to hire and retain workers. In its latest Quarterly Economic Outlook, Ibec says it expects the economy to grow at a more moderate pace in the coming years. The employers’ group expects the economy to […]

Highest weekly earnings in ICT sector – CSO

Average weekly earnings in the economy grew by 3.4% in the year to the end of September, according to the Central Statistics Office.  Average earnings in the private sector grew by 3.9% while earnings in the public sector grew by 1.3%.  The highest average weekly earnings were in the information and communications sector at €1,255.49 […]

Revenue warning consumers about hidden costs of online shopping

Revenue is cautioning consumers to be aware of hidden taxes and charges when they’re buying goods online in the run into Christmas and discount days such as Black Friday. They are reminding shoppers that while the cost of goods advertised online can appear attractively low, it may because tax and duty has not been included […]

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