Car sales slump drives Ireland’s retail activity 4.3pc lower in July
Car sales slump drives Ireland’s retail activity 4.3pc lower in July An unseasonal slump in new car purchases drove Ireland’s retail sales sharply lower last month, the Central Statistics Office reported on Wednesday. Sales declined by 4.3pc in both value and volume terms versus June levels, chiefly because many Irish car hunters are opting to […]
Sterling dives as fears of no-deal Brexit grow
Sterling dives as fears of no-deal Brexit grow Sterling dived as concerns rose that the United Kingdom may be headed for a disruptive no-deal Brexit after Prime Minister Boris Johnson moved to restrict parliamentary time before October 31. Mr Johnson said he would schedule a Queen’s Speech for October 14 in order to launch new […]
US firms make $83bn profits in Ireland
US firms make $83bn profits in Ireland American multinationals made more profits in Ireland in 2017 than in six of the world’s largest economies combined, according to new official data. The Bureau of Economic Analysis released its annual report into the activities of American multinationals on Monday and it showed they reported $83bn in profits […]
Irish employment growth slows to a 6-year low
Irish employment growth slows to a 6-year low New figures from the Central Statistics Office show the numbers employed in the economy falling from March to June of this year. The CSO’s latest Labour Force Survey has led to an upward revision in the unemployment rate for July from 4.6% to 5.3%. The number of […]
Ireland is not a tax haven – Dept of Finance
Ireland is not a tax haven – Dept of Finance Ireland does not meet any internationally recognised standard of being a tax haven, according to a statement from the Department of Finance. The department is reacting to a report in today’s Irish Independent detailing new figures which show that US mulitnational companies based in Ireland, […]